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API and integration catalogue

These are the APIs and integrations which are currently available, or in development, from NHS England and associated organisations. It includes APIs as well as API standards defined by us. For other data standards, see the NHS Data Standards Directory.

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19 results

Pathology Messaging - FHIR

Share pathology results from a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) to the requestor in NHS primary or secondary care settings.

Hospital GP / primary care FHIR Tests and diagnostics MESH STU3 Internet facing Message integration

In production Under review for deprecation

Pathology Messaging - HL7 V3

Request laboratory tests and send the results back to the requester, usually the patient's GP or consultant.

Hospital GP / primary care Tests and diagnostics HL7 V3 Has adaptor Message integration

In production Beta Internal

Patient Care Aggregator - FHIR API

Get an aggregated list of referrals and bookings for a patient from secondary care providers.

Patient-facing API Intermediary R4 FHIR Uses API platform Internet facing REST Uses OAS Referrals and bookings


Patient Care Aggregator Get Appointments API standard

As a secondary care provider, provide a list of bookings for a patient to the Patient Care Aggregator.

Referrals and bookings API standard Internet facing FHIR R4 REST Uses OAS Uses digital onboarding

Beta In production

Patient Care Aggregator Record Service API

As a secondary care provider, let the Patient Care Aggregator know which patients you have bookings for.

Referrals and bookings API Central Uses OAS REST Internet facing Uses digital onboarding

Patient Care Aggregator Reporting API

Use this API to send events which happen within your service boundary to the Wayfinder Reporting Service.

Patient flags change event

Use this document alongside the Create Subscriptions API documentation when you want to subscribe to this event..

NEMS Publish-subscribe events Patient-facing FHIR Uses API platform Access to records Messaging Demographics

In production

Personal Demographics Service - FHIR API

Access patients' personal information, such as name, address, date of birth, related people, registered GP, nominated pharmacy and NHS number using the FHIR version of the Personal Demographics Service (PDS) API.

FHIR Community health Hospital GP / primary care Urgent and emergency care Ambulance services NHS 111 Mental health OOH GP Pharmacy Demographics API Central Has sandbox R4 Patient-facing Uses API platform Internet facing Uses OAS REST Uses digital onboarding