Publication, Part of NHS Vacancy Statistics (and previous NHS Vacancies Survey)
NHS Vacancy Statistics England April 2015 – September 2022 Experimental Statistics
Experimental statistics, Official statistics
This is the latest compendium publication in the NHS Vacancy Statistics series containing vacancy related data for the NHS which provide four different views on recruitment information for the NHS.
Data from NHS Jobs, the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) and Trac Recruitment Management Software (Trac) provide a range of proxy data sources for NHS vacancies. The series also includes management information related to vacancies within the NHS which have been collected by NHS England (NHSE).
Users should note these data do not indicate how much of the reported substantive gap is filled by temporary staff.
Due to the complex nature of how NHS vacancy data is defined and collected, all data sources should be treated with a degree of caution.
The data visualisation resource included within this edition of the publication is designed to give users immediate insight into different outcomes at Regional aggregations and can be found below the Key Facts. As with all elements of the publication, we welcome feedback on this as we continue to investigate ways of gaining maximum value from the data.
To help with the development of this publication, feedback can be sent to: [email protected] with the subject heading ‘NHS Vacancy Statistics publication feedback’.
Key Facts
Data from NHS England
show a vacancy rate of 11.9% as at 30 September 2022 within the Registered Nursing staff group (47,496 vacancies). This is an increase from the same period the previous year when the vacancy rate was 10.5% (39,931 vacancies).
NHS Jobs data
On 31 October 2022 the transition to the new NHS Jobs service was completed. As previously reported in this publication, levels of advertised FTE from the previous service have continued to fall and this publication marks the last issue of these data. We are continuing to work with NHS Jobs to establish a data flow from the new service, until such time we are unable to quantify the number of vacancies being advertised on it.
Last edited: 30 November 2022 4:48 pm