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Data set, Part of

1.5.i Excess under 75 mortality rates in adults with serious mental illness (formerly indicator 1.5)


A measure of the extent to which adults with a serious mental illness (SMI) die younger than adults without a serious mental illness (nSMI).

To measure premature mortality in adults diagnosed with a serious mental illness (SMI).

This indicator was previously published with a different methodology and as such comparisons between data published from August 2021 onwards should not be made with previously released data.

The methodology has been revised again to take advantage of an improved person identifier which will allow the timeseries to be extended. Again, comparisons should not be made between data produced using the different methodologies.

Data for this indicator now exists as its own publication series as the scope exceeds that initially defined. The latest version and historic versions can be found by following the relevant resource links below.