Smoking Status at Time of Delivery (SATOD) data collection
The Smoking Status at Time of Delivery (SATOD) collection covers information on the number of women smoking and not smoking at time of delivery (child birth).
Submitting data
Sub Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) are required to submit data on smoking status at time of delivery every three months through the NHS Digital Strategic Data Collection.
Read the supporting guidance on how to submit data through the Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS).
Data submission
Sub (ICBs) are required to submit data on smoking status at time of delivery every three months through the NHS Digital Strategic Data Collection System (SDCS).
Submission timetable
The submission deadlines for each quarter are:
Quarter |
Submission start date |
Submission end date |
Quarter 3 2023-24 | 2 January 2024 | 29 January 2024 |
Quarter 4 2023-24 | 1 April 2024 | 29 April 2024 |
Quarter 1 2024-25 | 1 July 2024 | 29 July 2024 |
Quarter 2 2024-25 | 1 October 2024 | 28 October 2024 |
Quarter 3 2024-25 | 2 January 2025 | 31 January 2025 |
Quarter 4 2024-25 | 1 April 2025 | 28 April 2025 |
Data items to be collected
Sub ICBs must submit the following data items for each quarter in the financial year of the birth registration:
- number of maternities
- number of women known to be smokers at the time of delivery
- number of women known to be non-smokers at the time of delivery
- number of women whose smoking status was not known at the time of delivery
These are defined as:
- the number of maternities - the number of pregnant women who give birth (during the quarter) to one or more live or stillborn babies of at least 24 weeks gestation, where the baby is delivered by either a midwife or doctor at home or in an NHS hospital (including GP units) - this count should be the number of pregnant women, not the number of babies (deliveries) - this means that twins are counted as one maternity and it does not include maternities that occur in psychiatric hospitals or private beds /hospitals
- women known to be smokers at the time of delivery - pregnant women who self-reported that they were smokers - this includes any cigarettes or tobacco at all, but excludes non-combustible nicotine products, such as e-cigarettes or other nicotine containing products - If a woman intends to give up smoking after the delivery, but was a smoker up until the delivery date they are included in this count
- women known to be non-smokers at the time of delivery - pregnant women who self-reported that they were non-smokers (no cigarettes or tobacco at all) - this count does not include women whose smoking status is not known (which is collected separately), or those who intend to give up smoking after delivery
- women whose smoking status was not known at the time of delivery - those whose smoking status was not determined for whatever reason.
Commissioner based returns
This is a sub ICB return, sub ICBs should submit all maternities where the baby is delivered by either a midwife or doctor at home or in an NHS hospital (including GP units) commissioned by that sub ICB. The sub ICB is required to submit data for all maternities.
Data revisions
During the quarter 4 submission period, there will be an opportunity to re-submit data for quarters 1, 2 and 3. If you want to make revisions, please contact the data collections team first so they can re-open the quarter(s) for revision.
Last edited: 4 April 2024 3:27 pm