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General Practice Pay Transparency

This collection asks for NHS earnings to be disclosed if they exceed the threshold for the relevant year, starting with 2021/22 NHS earnings over £156,000.

Background to the collection

Pay transparency in general practice was introduced into the GP Contract Regulations in October 2021. The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) subsequently confirmed that the implementation of general practice pay transparency was to be delayed.  The data collection has now been resumed beginning with 2021/22 NHS earnings.

On 1 October 2022, amendments to the NHS (General Medical Services Contracts) Regulations 2015 (the ‘GMS Regulations’) and the NHS (Personal Medical Services Agreements) Regulations 2015 (the ‘PMS Regulations’) came into effect to require certain other individuals, namely ‘job holders’, to self-declare their NHS earnings if these are above the earnings threshold for the relevant financial year. These changes are also reflected in an amendment to The Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) Directions 2022. GMS, PMS and APMS contracts have been varied to incorporate these amendments.

Any NHS earnings information relating to 2019-20 which was submitted by individuals in autumn 2021 (ahead of The Department of Health and Social Care confirming that the implementation of general practice pay transparency was delayed) will not be published and has been destroyed.

Information to be collected via self-declaration

Individuals who are in scope are required to confirm their name and job title and to declare the following information:

  • their NHS earnings for the relevant year 
  • the organisation(s) from which the NHS earnings were drawn

Please see the General Practice Pay Transparency Guidance for further information on: 

  • the threshold of NHS earnings for the financial years 2021-22 to 2023-24 above which a self-declaration must be made
  • the individuals required to self-declare their NHS earnings
  • the definition of NHS earnings for the purpose of general practice pay transparency
  • when the pay transparency self-declaration must be made
  • how individuals make the pay transparency self-declaration.

How the information collected via the self-declaration will be used

Data collected as part of the General Practice pay transparency collection for 2021/22 NHS earnings may be published by NHS England by virtue of s260(1), taking account of s260(2) and s260(3) of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.

Launch and submission dates

Reporting period Submission start date Submission end date
2021-22 NHS earnings 16 March 2023 30 April 2023
2021-22 NHS earnings 23 October 2023 15 December 2023


Last edited: 20 October 2023 9:22 am