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Part of Community Services Data Set Tier 2 and Tier 3 weight management service guidance

Services out of scope of this Tier 2 and Tier 3 Weight Management Service (WMS) guidance

Current Chapter

Current chapter – Services out of scope of this Tier 2 and Tier 3 Weight Management Service (WMS) guidance

Organisations who provide any community service other than Tier 2 and Tier 3 weight management services must not use this guidance document alone but also refer to the general CSDS user guidance.  A community service is as identified by the ‘service or team type referred to (community care)’ data item in the CSDS Enhanced Technical Output Specification


What data should be included in monthly submissions

Please note that all data from 'pilot' collections is exempt.  For example, Complications from Excess Weight (CEW) clinics.

The CSDS is referral driven. Each monthly submission should include all referrals that had a period of being open within that reporting period, which includes:

  • referrals that were opened in the reporting period
  • referrals that closed in the reporting period (i.e. patient care has ended)
  • referrals that were open throughout the reporting period, even if no activity took place

The rest of the tables have their own inclusion rules which specify when they should be included for a reporting period. For example, Care Contacts would be included only in the Reporting Period they took place; for WMS these will be any interventions that took place during the Reporting Period, i.e. April data that would be reporting in May/June to NHS England. For other tables such as Diagnosis, these allow the “most recent” details to flow.

You can find out the rules by looking at the validations in the latest ETOS. The column “Additional Validation Rules” outlines the data restrictions. Please also see the detailed guidance  in the following chapters, which give a description of each table and how this is relevant for the NOA.

If a large amount of data is submitted, outside of the required range, then numerous rejection messages will be generated back to the provider. This may hinder the provider’s ability to identify 'real' rejection messages that require corrections to be made to “included” data. Users are advised to place check the date validation rules, prior to submission, to identify and submit data that is relevant to the reporting period only.

Last edited: 16 February 2024 10:49 am