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The National Workforce Reporting System (NWRS) – how we use the workforce data you provide

Details of your workforce are collected by NHS Digital through the NWRS. Thank you for providing this information.

The information you provide is used to monitor government targets, develop policy and inform workforce planning. The detail contained in the data is used at both national and local level for workforce planning purposes. It is the only national collection of the workforce in  General Practices and Primary Care Networks at individual staff level. This allows for staff to be uniquely identified and their whole contribution to NHS staffing accurately determined.

The type of data you provide

The data you provide  contains information on each individual staff member providing services at a General Practice or PCN in England (GPs, Nurses, other professionals providing direct patient care and administrative staff). It includes information on working hours, details of job role, demographics, absences and joining and leaving dates. The data collected is the agreed minimum – using the nationally agreed workforce Minimum Data Set (wMDS).

We collect an individual’s professional registration number (where applicable), Date of Birth, Name and National Insurance number (NINO) as ways of uniquely identifying an individual. A unique number is required to enable the accurate counting of the total number of individuals providing services across the whole NHS.

Further information on the NWRS

Last edited: 4 March 2024 9:47 am