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Publication, Part of

GP Earnings and Expenses - 2008-09, Final report

Publication Date:
Date Range:
06 Apr 2008 to 05 Apr 2009


The latest GP Earnings and Expenses Enquiry provides a detailed study of the earnings and expenses of both contractor and salaried GPs in the UK in 2008/09.


The Provisional Report for 2008/09 was published in September 2010. This Final Report for 2008/09 supersedes this and contains additional information on earnings and expenses by practice size, Strategic Health Authority and rurality.


Results are based on data from HM Revenue and Customs' tax self assessment database. They can be found in each section of the report as follows:


Section A: National Averages for Contractor, Salaried and Combined GPs.


Section B: Country Level Breakdown for Contractor, Salaried and Combined GPs.


Section C: Distributional Results for Contractor and Salaried GPs.


Section D: Detailed Results for Contractor, Salaried and Combined GPs.


Section E: Time Series for Contractor GPs.


There has been a change in methodology used in the weighting and stratification of the data sample since the GP Earnings and Expenses Final Report 2007/08. This is described in detail in Annex A of the report.


The report has been agreed by the Technical Steering Committee (TSC), which is chaired by The NHS IC and has representation from the four UK Health Departments, NHS Employers and the British Medical Association.


This publication supersedes the GP Earnings and Expenses 2008/09 Provisional Report, released in September 2010. The publication contains all data from the provisional report, with additional information on earnings and expenses by SHA, practice size and rurality.


Download a list of those who received pre-release access to the provisional report here.


If you need access to the earlier, provisional report please contact us.



Last edited: 26 January 2022 3:34 pm