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Mike Richardson

Mike leads a project management team for Core Infrastructure Services

Project lead

My brother is a nurse at Leeds General Infirmary. There is a world of difference between what he does every day and what I do, but we are in it for the same reason: improving people’s health outcomes.

My background isn’t digital at all. I graduated with a degree in geography. Then, I joined the Army, where I was based in the military’s civil engineering branch – building bridges and roads.

Coming out of the Army, I was able to land well at NHS Digital and put my skills to good use.

But a lot of the project management and leadership skills I gained in my Army role were transferrable. So, when I worked along alongside members of the NHS during the COVID-19 response, I thought it was an interesting area and something I could contribute to.

I now lead a team of around 15 people in the Project Management Office. Over the past year, we’ve been going through the discovery stages of two major programmes. We’re helping to move people towards using cloud-based services and getting the best internet connectivity for healthcare sites.