Transforming health and care through technology
Personalised Health and Care 2020 was a strategy published by the National Information Board in November 2014, outlining how the health and care system will use data and technology to transform outcomes for patients and citizens in the coming years.
To meet the requirements of the report, NHS Digital ran multiple programmes of activity split across the following 10 delivery domains to meet the requirements of the report.
- To empower the person
- Urgent and emergency care
- Transforming general practice
- Integrated care
- Digital medicines
- Elective care
- Paper-free at the point of care
- Data outcomes for research and oversight
- Infrastructure
- Public trust and security
Several new services are now live and many programme outputs have been adopted to improve our existing processes and procedures, ensuring we remain an effective and valued information and technology partner to the health and social care system.
Read more about our response to the Personalised Health and Care 2020 report.
Keep up to date with our work to improve the use of data and digital technology across NHS and social care in our NHS Digital Transformation Blog.
Last edited: 16 February 2021 1:46 pm