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Leeds Anchor Network

The Leeds Anchor Network connects major Leeds organisations. 

NHS Digital is pleased to be part of the Leeds Anchor Network. The network brings together some of the city’s biggest organisations including councils, colleges, universities, hospitals and big businesses with local headquarters. We are committed to working with network partners including academic institutions, Leeds City Council and other NHS partners to shape initiatives from local procurement to sustainability, employee wellbeing and recruitment.

As large institutions, Anchor partners have a major impact locally and regionally, benefitting local communities and economies. Together we employ hundreds of thousands of people, spend hundreds of millions of pounds, own and manage land and assets and deliver vital services. Most have a long history as well as a long-term future in the area. 

While we all make a positive contribution to the area by being based in Leeds, the programmes we run and the decisions we make about our operations combine to maximise the impact. These decisions support growth and inclusion, significantly adding to local employment, skills, economic growth, incomes, health and wellbeing.

Last edited: 21 February 2022 1:09 pm