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Freedom of information request NIC-581204-C1P2D

Freedom of information request for the percentage of UK female consultant orthopaedic surgeons.

Thank you for your email dated 08 September 2021 requesting the following information:

I wondered if you could please tell me the percentage of UK female consultant orthopaedic surgeons we have and the percentage of UK orthopaedic surgery trainees (ST3-8) that there are please?

We have considered your request and in accordance with S.1 (1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) I can confirm that we do hold the information that you have requested.

Please find the information requested in the attached excel file.

Please note:

1. NHS Digital workforce statistics are only for England so are not provided for the UK. Data for the other UK countries need to be requested from the devolved administrations.

2. Data are provided for all Hospital and Community Health Services (HCHS) doctor grades. The surgery trainees (ST3-8) in the request email will be within the ‘Doctors in Training and Equivalents’ Grade Group and in particular the ‘Specialty Registrar’ Grade.

Last edited: 22 March 2023 2:28 pm