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Patients registered at a GP practice

Use our interactive dashboard to find out the number of patients registered at a GP practice. The numbers can be shown at national, CCG or GP practice level, and GP practices can be compared to one another.

Accessibility of this tool

This tool is in Microsoft PowerBI which does not fully support all accessibility needs. You can find the source data in our Patients registered at a GP practice publications. If you need further assistance, please contact us for help.

What you can find out

The data presents the following information: 

  • GP practices broken down by the number of registered patients within each Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area.
  • The number of registered patients split into age bands. They can be shown at national, CCG or GP practice level.
  • the ability to compare practices against one another by selecting the ones of interest.

What the report can't tell you

Data is collected at an aggregate level from each GP practice so can't be used to look at specific patient information.

Published information using this data

The data extracted from GP practices are matched to the Organisational Data Services (ODS) reference data and mapped to the health geography structure that was in place at the time of extraction.

The publications include data on:

  • GP practices broken down by the number of registered patients within each CCG area.
  •  General practice data at single and 5 year age bands which ends at 95+ both split by gender and aggregated.
  •  Health geographic data by 5 year age bands which end at 95+ split by gender and aggregated.
  •  Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) data.

The data is extracted at an aggregated level and so cannot be used to identify individual patients. Data before January 2016 is suppressed for practices with less than 100 patients. Data at LSOA level is only available from January 2014 onwards.

Further information

Last edited: 10 August 2023 4:14 pm